Tender Number: WO2027-0000-PRO-RQ-001-14
Tender Closing Date & Time: 24/03/2023 5:00 pm
Tender Site Briefing Date & Time: 16/03/2023 10:00 am
TCTA Central Basin Water Treatment Plant currently neutralises the feed water as abstracted from the defunct underground works. This mine impacted water is dosed with lime to remove the heavy metals and acidity from the feed. The consequence of this treatment is the formation of large volumes of precipitated material. This is settled and thickened in the process. The current management process of this slurry is to periodically build up the material within the plant.
The site consists of two generators that goes on whenever the site power goes off. Each generator is fed by individual diesel tank. There was tank inspection conducted on the 09 August 2022 as per the OHSAct and API Spec requirement. The inspection revealed that the tank there was no root weld but only the cap weld. See attached report in the appendix. This document covers the complete on-site repairs of a Diesel Tank complete with nozzles, pipework, wall painting in accordance with the attached report, this document including all the documents and specifications as listed in the Engineering Document List (EDL – attached).